Akurasi Pelaksanaan Berperkara Menggunakan E-Court di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus No. 1178/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Bla di Pengadilan Agama Blora)

Putri Ristanti Fauziyah, Mundakir Mundakir


The complexity of litigation settlement and coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic, e-Court is a solution and innovation from the Supreme Court to present technology in the judiciary that provides convenience in accordance with the principles of justice, namely simple, fast, and low cost. The presence of the e-court is expected to be able to answer the challenges of an increasingly advanced era, which can facilitate the settlement of cases because it can be accessed widely. This study aims to determine the implementation, accuracy, and response of the parties to the use of e-Court at the Blora Religious Court for litigation settlement. To find out how the implementation, accuracy and response of the parties, as well as fulfilling the parties' sense of justice, the researchers used the method of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Testing the validity of the data used by the researchers used three techniques, among others, increasing persistence, meaning the researcher made observations more carefully, continuously and triangulated. Reference material is a support to prove the data that has been obtained by researchers. The results showed that there were four stages of litigation, namely e-filling, e-payment, e-summons, and e-litigation. The accuracy of litigation using e-Court is in accordance with applicable provisions, namely Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2019 and based on research results that the implementation of e-Court itself is in accordance with the principles of justice, namely simple, fast, and low cost. Based on data obtained from respondents that e-Court provides convenience in the settlement of cases and is able to fulfill a sense of justice.


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