Muhammad Ilham Sofyan, Inayah Rohmaniyah


The differences in orientalist paradigms in reading the intertextuality of the Qur'an with other texts, especially the Bible, are in line with the differences in the findings produced. However, there seems to be a shift (reconstruction) from a skeptic tendency towards dialogical reading. This paper aims to portray the shift based on three questions: a) what is the form of the shift (reconstruction) of reading intertextuality in the early to modern period by western scholars in the study of the Qur'an? b) what are the factors driving the emergence of the shift c) what are the implications of the shift (reconstruction) of reading intertextuality? This research found the fact that the integration of the practice of intertextuality of literary texts with the intertextuality of scriptures scientifically as a response to the controversial reading of early orientalists who stopped at the conclusion of a more correct or more original text, actually provides a new discourse that is broader and able to reduce the intensity of tension, especially between Islam, Christiani and Judaism. Angelika Neuwirth's offer with pre-canonization (late antiquity) reading provides a new direction for the study of the Qur'an and history because it indirectly restores the initial image of the Qur'an as a communicative text in the midst of the social religious climate at that time. The relationship between scriptural texts is finally not seen as narrow and problematic but works in a scientific discourse that fills the holes of mutual understanding.

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