Praktik Arisan Ukhuwah Berhadiah dengan Sistem Mudharabah Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Studi Kasus di KSPPS Yaummi Maziyah Assa’adah Pati)

Aminah Aminah, Supriyadi Supriyadi


The purpose of this study is to answer some of the problems that have been formulated by the authors, namely related to how the mechanism of practice of the Arisan Ukhuwah program at KSPPS Yaummi Maziyah Assa'adah Pati and also the reasons for the use of practice mechanisms, as well as how the Perspective of Sharia Economic Law. In this study, the author used a type of field research or field research with a qualitative approach carried out at KSPPS Yaummi Maziyah Assa'adah Pati. Some of the techniques used in the data collection process are through observation, documentation, and interview techniques. The results of this study showed that the process of implementing the practice mechanism in the Arisan Ukhuwah program with prizes with the mudharabah system at KSPPS Yaummi Maziyah Assa'adah Pati has been carried out in accordance with the specified provisions, namely by using mudharabah contracts and the existence of prize draws at the end of the arisan period. As for some of the reasons that do make the basis for choosing the use of the mechanism. Meanwhile, if viewed from the Perspective of Sharia Economic Law, the implementation of the Arisan Ukhuwah program is allowed because it is in accordance with the provisions in Sharia Economic Law. However, with the use of the lottery system using conditional lottery coupons in the awarding of prizes, it makes the prize draw in the arisan program potentially in the act of maysir or gambling. Where against the prize draw, the members of the arisan put hope on the prize that was sent.


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