Problematika Perceraian pada Pasangan Suami Istri dengan Usia Pernikahan dibawah 5 Tahun (Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Agama Jepara Tahun 2021-2022)

Muhamad Ulil Absor, Suhadi Suhadi


Divorce is a phenomenon of social problems that generally occurs in society. Divorce does not only occur in couples who have been married for a long time but can also occur in newly married couples whose marriage age is under 5 years. This marriage, which is only 1-5 years old, can be said to be very young, so it is very unfortunate if there is a divorce for the husband and wife. This study aims to describe the problems of divorce cases for married couples with a marriage age under 5 years at the Jepara Religious Court in 2020-2021, to find out the judge's considerations in deciding divorce cases for husband and wife couples with a marriage age under 5 years at the Jepara Religious Court in 2021-2022, and find solutions to reduce the divorce rate for couples with a marriage age under 5 years according to the views of the Jepara Religious Court Judges. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a type of field research (field research). Data were obtained through field observations, interviews with Judges and Registrars of the Jepara Religious Court, and literature studies. The research subjects included Judges of the Jepara Religious Court and decisions on divorce cases for married couples with a marriage age under 5 years at the Jepara Religious Court in 2021-2022. The results of the research show that the total number of divorces at the Jepara Religious Court in 2021-2022 is 4,182 cases, with the dominance of divorce cases being contested. Factors that influence divorce include the economy, disputes and fights, moral crises, housing problems, and parental interference. Research also reveals that around 35% of the total divorce cases involve married couples with a marriage age of under 5 years. The main factors causing divorce are economic problems and disputes. Based on the research findings, it was concluded that the husband's lack of responsibility in providing a living, constant disputes and fights, as well as economic factors are the main problems that cause divorce in couples with marriage age under 5 years. In dealing with these problems, a better understanding of responsibilities in marriage, conflict resolution abilities, and economic stability is needed to reduce the divorce rate in young couples.


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