Perjanjian Kerjasama antara Agen Brilink Dengan PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Perspektif Hukum Positif dan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Studi Kasus Agen BRILink Pethex PS Kaliwungu)

Vera Indriana Putri, Lina Kushidayati


This study examines the practice and mechanism of BRILink Agent services, reviewing it from the perspective of positive law and Islamic economic law. The type of research used is the type of evaluative research (Evaluation research). This type of research is to assess a program for a particular activity at an institution. Apart from being evaluative, this research uses normative-empirical research, apart from being studied using the positive law of the BRILink Agent, it is also being studied using sharia economic law. The research that was carried out answered problems including how the mechanism for the BRILink Agent cooperation agreement, according to the positive legal view of the clever behavior program was studied in the Civil Code and by way of the establishment of the Financial Services Authority. what it looks like, and according to the view of sharia economics in fiqh, the DSN-MUI fatwa, and based on the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law. The results of the study show that this service is legal according to the applicable legal norms. The contracts used in this study are Wakalah bil Ujrah (representation with compensation) and Jualah (wages) contracts. BRI as muwrepresentative and BRILink Agent as a representative who carries out the power of attorney granted by BRI. BRILink agents provide services to customers and get ujrah (rewards).


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