Problematika Peredaran Produk Kosmetik Ilegal Melalui Transaksi Jual Beli di Pasar Bintoro Demak dalam Perspektif Fikih Muamalah

Anung Isnaeni, Muhaimin Muhaimin


In today's modern era, the distribution of goods and services has become easier, the cosmetic industry has become able to produce cosmetic products in very large quantities and supported by the advancement of transportation tools, making these products circulation very very easy and fast. However, it is not balanced with monitoring by the government, so the circulating products are not known for their safety. The objectives to be obtained from this study are 1) to find out the problems of the circulation of illegal cosmetic products through buying and selling transactions in the Bintoro Demak market, 2) to find out the efforts of the Demak Health Office in monitoring the circulation of illegal cosmetic products in the Bintoro Demak market, and 3) to find out the fiqh muamalah perspective on buying and selling illegal cosmetic products in the Bintoro Demak market. This research is field research, this research method is a qualitative method. The approach of this thesis is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques carried out in this study are interviews, observations and documentation. The results of this study show that 1) the problem of the circulation of illegal cosmetic products through buying and selling transactions in the Bintoro Demak market is the lack of strict sanctions, people tend to choose products with instant results at low prices and lack of public knowledge about the dangers of illegal cosmetics. 2) The efforts made by the Demak Health Office in collaboration with BPOM Semarang in supervising the circulation of illegal cosmetic products in the Bintoro Demak market are not optimal. Due to the lack of perseverance in the implementation of supervision and the lack of socialization regarding the dangers of illegal cosmetics to society as a whole. 3) Based on the fiqh muamalah perspective on the transaction of buying and selling illegal cosmetic products in the Bintoro Demak market is not in accordance with the perspective of fiqh muamalah, because trade with the goods traded is not clearly known and the goods are dubious which can harm other parties including the gharar.


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