Kajian Fiqih Muamalah Terhadap Praktik Jual Beli Biji Kopi di Desa Rahtawu Kecamatan Gebog Kabupaten Kudus

Melinda Puspitasari, Muhammad Shohibul Itmam


Buying and selling is an activity that is in the circulation of life. This study aims to describe the study of muamalah fiqh on the practice of buying and selling coffee beans in the village of Rahtawu Gebog Kudus and their contracts. The research method is descriptive qualitative. The first discussion of buying and selling that is carried out including "permissible" in fiqh law includes: (1) Al-'aqidain relating to sellers and buyers being adults, sane, and of their own accord, (2) Al-ma'qud 'alaih relating to coffee trading is sacred goods, useful, and one's own, (3) Sighat al-'aqd regarding the consent qabul is based on willingness and words of mutual liking. The second discussion is related to the greeting contract. It can be seen that the payment was earlier than the delivery of coffee. Part of the sale and purchase agreement is made verbally and some buyers write on a piece of paper to avoid doubts. The suggestions include: (1) Should pay attention to the sale and purchase regulated by Islamic law, so that the party transacting the sale and purchase of coffee is not harmed. (2) the seller and the buyer should take notes to avoid misunderstandings and doubts.


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