Program Cegah Pernikahan Dini: Penguatan Keterampilan Sosial dan Akademik bagi Siswa MTS Yapim Ngeluk

Inna Fauziatal Ngazizah, Lidya Nor Aini


Early marriage is an issue that is still a big challenge in the world of education, especially in rural environments. This service program aims to prevent early marriage by strengthening social and academic skills for MTs Yapim Ngeluk students. Activities carried out include socializing the dangers of early marriage, social skills training, and fostering academic motivation. This program also involves parents, teachers and community leaders to create synergy in building a common understanding about the importance of delaying marriage until a mature age. The results of the program show an increase in students' understanding of the negative impacts of early marriage, such as reproductive health problems, risk of maternal and infant mortality, psychological pressure, and disruption of education. This socialization succeeded in instilling awareness that marriage at an early age can hinder the achievement of dreams and economic stability in the future. Students are invited to make education a top priority and understand that postponing marriage can open up greater opportunities for a better life. The conclusion of this program emphasizes the importance of a deep understanding of the long-term risks of early marriage and the importance of support from various parties, such as parents, teachers and community leaders, in forming a positive mindset about education and the future. This program is a strategic step in educating the younger generation to avoid early marriage and focus on developing themselves physically, emotionally and academically.

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